The conÂcert begins. The music is subÂlime. Not even a pin would dare drop. SudÂdenly, a cellÂphone rings and the madÂness starts. The pianist loses his hand, the vioÂlinÂist, while tunÂing, falls asleep, and later wakes up in the midÂdle of a motorÂway, transÂformed into a “RiverÂdancer”. When the pianist returns, the piano is locked, telling him to insert his credit card. MeanÂwhile, the vioÂlinÂist loses his bow to a vacÂuum cleaner and his partÂner just talks on the phone while readÂing a paper, eatÂing, and, playÂing the piano upside down all at the same time. These and many other “nightÂmares” unfold before audiÂences’ eyes and ears. “A LitÂtle NightÂmare Music” is a unique show, full of virÂtuÂosÂity, enchantÂing music and zany, outÂraÂgeous humour. Ideal for audiÂences aged 8 to 88, this show is sure to capÂtiÂvate you and crack you up whether you’re a clasÂsiÂcal music enthuÂsiÂast or the type who runs for cover, at the mere menÂtion of Mozart.